25. 05. 2024

Relocate For Medical Device Jobs – why it can come with benefits and growth when it’s done right

Relocation and its benefits are a huge topic within recruitment, especially when speaking about niche industries like: MedTech, Aviation and Aerospace, or Mining.

I think we can all agree that if you work in a field like that, it is not going to be easy to find a dream job on your doorstep!

The subject itself is very close to my heart, as I for one have relocated myself many, many times in the past, and as challenging as it might have seemed at a time – boy am I glad that I did!

I have not only improved my life in the sense of career development, but culturally and personally too! I made lifelong friendships, advanced my career, and even met my partner.

Therefore, I have put together a few reasons on why being open to moving could improve your life too 😊

1.     Career progression & development

If you’re not happy with your current situation and the opportunity in question offers a natural progression within your career (with promise for further development) and includes all/most topics, you are interested in – it is definitely worth it.

I’m a great believer that staying somewhere only because of lack of a better option is not going to be good long-term. You can end up demotivated professionally which will affect your motivation personally.

2.     Improvement of your current financial situation

When speaking of changing jobs, it goes without saying, that with each position we’d like to increase our salary, however sometimes relocating to another town or a county may also mean cheaper living costs (whether it is housing or a shorter commute).

 3.     Meet new people!

I am one of those people, that does not like to go out much, so most of the relationships I built over the last 16 years have been through work, and so if I would have decided to stay where I was – I would have never met the amazing people that I have!

4.     Personal growth

This might sound like such a cliché, but it is so true! Once you’re away from home and your family and friends, you really grow as a person. Now you must find ways of dealing with whatever happens without that support network that you previously had. 

Embrace the unknown! Change is where growth happens most.

5.     Change of scenery

I think it is also important to consider a fresh start as a benefit. Even though you’re not necessarily starting from scratch – having a new place, new people, and a new job very much gives you a sense of having that freedom and a fresh start to do whatever you plan.

I hope this helps anyone who is currently considering moving, or even better – never thought about it, but now might just be open to it 😉

Did you know that Adaptive Life Science support with relocation? Reach out to me for more information!

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